Quote of the TOday! But not updated everyday

Quand tu tombes en amour, c'est la merde.
(Translation : When you fall in love, it's shit.)
- Louisa

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sad story: I was checking myself out with my new earrings last night and decided to take pictures of myself. I grabbed my camera and due to the severity of my butterfingers, the camera slipped out of my hands and dropped to its death. This is the second time I break a digital camera within 6 months, and it was in a similar situation last time too! Coincidentally, a few months ago, I broke a friend's camera who was staying over in my flat, proposed to pay but refused in the end because I figured it wasn't my fault. So this is either a sign that narcissism is a sin or it is karma payback time.

It's back to the lab tomorrow morning. It feels terrible to get back to work after a uber relaxing 4-day weekend. Classes are officially finishing this week and I can't believe how soon I will be leaving. Although I know that it's time to get the hell out of here and turn a new page! I think one thing I will definitely take away from this exchange semester in Paris to how to defend myself and get what I want. Turns out you can have anything you wish in this world if you're firm enough. It hasn't worked in my favor yet but I think I know the basic principles...

Here's a picture of me under a Université du Québec sign! French people here consider me québécoise heehee

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