I arrived at Gare du Nord at 4:20pm and started looking for Amy in the massive crowd. I walked and walked in circles but after calling her 3 times and each time setting a more visible meeting point, we still couldn't find each other. During our 4th call, 1:45mins later, I realize that she's at Gare de Lyon and that we were in different parts of the city! She told me that it might be too much trouble to look for her and before she could finish, the 25 EUROS phone card that I just paid for today ran out!!!!!!!!! So I just sprinted like a madwoman across the huge train station, hopped on the RER and luckily got to Gare de Lyon in about 15 minutes. I was so afraid that she and Chloe might leave before I got there! But there's a happy ending to the story. We found each other and had a great time eating supper in Chinatown :) But I am still awefully hurt by that 25 euros Mobile card that's now gone!
Do you realize how much crap is waiting ahead on the path of life that is just waiting for you to accidentally step on it? There is nothing that I have ever achieved without difficulties. I feel like that guy from Meet the Parents! If I set a goal for tomorrow, I just know that I will run into countless troubles before getting to the finish line. I keep asking myself why things can't go as planned. It's normal that they can't. The fact is there's only one way to make things right, but a millions way to screw up! It's just a question of mentality though. It will take time to not see the distinction between them. I will need to become a monk!
On top of that, there's a couple of other things I'd like to share today.
First, I'd like to proudly announce that I've finally settled on an okay course schedule for this semester. Here there are!
- Physiologie cellulaire et intégrée
- Physiologie humaine
- Biochimie II
- Chimie Organique: de la molécule au médicament
- Travail Expérimental Personalisé
- *Basketball (ya ok, ha ha)
- *Espagnol pour faux-débutants
I know I change my mind too often about this, but Paris has been treating me well. In the mere two weeks that I have been here, I've already absorbed so much from this experience and I'm grateful for everything that happened and everything that has passed me by and is waiting for a better timing. For one, I am more aware of what I don't want. I don't want to do a Masters in chem. It's so easy to be dragged into projects that just happen to fall in your lap if you don't leave your comfort zone. Knowing what I want is another story. But maybe I am where I'm supposed to be. Maybe we always will be we're supposed to be. Anyway (snapping out of it) Paris is a city that one would love to hate, just like how people love to hate Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan (*cough* Melanie *cough*)and I guess that's why my feelings towards it were so ambiguous.
WHEW thanks for getting all the way to here!
And a special thank you to Elaine for mentioning me in her blog =)
=>(find the link on the right! It's a must-read if you're thinking about Paris for exchange)
Now try to find L'arc de triomphe in the picture! LOL 
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